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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Win a Demonoid Invite!

Yep here's your chance to win an Invite!! Sorry I haven't done much with the blog lately, but have been busy with school and the 5 kids! Anyway back to this weeks contest and how you can win. Since I have an old Series 2 Tivo and with yesterdays announcement of Tivo's new Tivo Premier I figured we could correlate that with the contest. To win you have to find me the best deal for the new premier in which I can also transfer my lifetime subscription or best way to hack my other series 2(which does not have a subscription) to have a lifetime subscription. Tivo is offering a receiver for $299 and a $200 discount to transfer my subscription so total would be $500 to get the new Tivo Premier and lifetime sub. Now on the hacking of my other series 2 to get a lifetime sub I believe there is away to do it but you need a program called 2.5xtreme and I can't find anywhere to download it from. So, if you can find me a free place to download that, it would almost guarantee you an invite. TIVO,TIVO,TIVO, that is what this contest is about. Good Luck!
