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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Free Demonoid Invitation!

Yes that's right, this week I will be giving away an invite to someone. To be the winner you must post a comment to this blog stating why you want to be a member of the Demonoid community. You also have to prove that you are a big KISS fan!! Reason for having to be a KISS fan is because I just uploaded the new Kissology DVD set and I want a KISS fan that doesn't have the set to be able to download it! Keep in mind Demonoid members are very proud of being a part of the top torrent tracker community and do not like to invite people unless they know this person will be a good addition. Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Download: 2,79 GB
Upload: 61,10 GB
Share: 63,89 GB
Ratio: 21,906

That is my record on filezone and I can screenshot it to prove. As for KISS let's just say my best christmas gift was when I was 14... I got each of the band members solo albums!! Not many people know that they each have an album without the help of the rest of the band.
Anyway if you want to hear more/interested:

Motley said...

Not bad. I like your ratio. Most Kiss fans now about their solo albums. But why do you want to be a member of Demonoid?

Anonymous said...

Hi motley, thanks for responding, there's a couple reasons actually. Filezone is very TV-show/games orientated. I would like a demonoid account because it has a much bigger music culture. There's always new bands rising, and they always talk about how their sound draws influences for older bands such as the cure, the smiths, Floyd, KISS. Not to mention I WOULD KILL to get the Kissology DVD set and I've never had the chance to experience KISS in Attack of the Phantoms as it is very rare =(. I know there were a couple VHS's floating around in the 80s but I nearly fell off my chair when I saw it was in the Kissology DVD set! I know the band itself didn't think it was a big work of art but it's got that "you'd-have-to-be-crazy-or-a-HUGE-KISS-fan-to-watch-this" vibe. Anyway I hope I don't sound fanatical to you and thanks for considering me motley!

Motley said...

Great thats a little more like what im looking for. In the next day or two I will post and show you something I did to try and get an invite before I became a member!! You are in the running along with another guy that posted!!

Anonymous said...

LOL I can bet some people try some crazy stuff to get an invite, haha sounds funny, can't wait! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh and just to prove to you I could upload some really neat music and KISS stuff with nice speed:

loulou991 said...

hi motley i know u wanted only people who like kiss but i will not lie as i do not like them

plz take me into account but u could allways give 1 to me and mellisa or melissa could u give me a invite if u become a member

if u will send me one plz pm me or send to thanks

Anonymous said...

Please someone kind enough email me invitation code.

Much Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

Hey Motley!! Im the guy that originally posted suggesting to make people prove their Kiss fans. Thanks for the email showing that you got around to it!!! Personally i would love a pass to demonoid,for many reasons,but first... for being a Kiss fan, well my god people through out all my life think im Kiss Zoned!! when at school and people used to ask for me they used to simply say,where is Kiss gone? LOL.... I even rocked up in full gene make up once (and got in trouble) I liked Ace,but i thought being Gene gave me a chance to poke my tounge at the girls..LOL.....
I have been lucky to not only meet them (and have personal autographs and photo's to prove it) but i actually got to work behind the scenes at one of their conventions,where i got to hang with them!!!! As for facts about Kiss well the real name of the second drummer that still got towear make up, and was still very cool, was eric carr, whose real name is: Paul Charles Caravello (when he died,i actually done a american indian ritual to help him across to the other side! the freaky thing is during the ritual my sister woke up screaming in the next room, so i packed everythig up and went to bed, but...... in the morning my little 6 year old brother came in all excited to my room and said, hey eric was here last night!! i kid you not.. i was stricken, and am till this day!!! how spooky is that really!!! after that i have always been interested in magick and spiritualism,and i owe it in part to eric!!! :) Another fact that i find funny is that Gene was a freakin school teacher!!! can you believe it! and the even funnier fact is that Peter Criss (criscoula) actually had a fight with gene in his school days,as thay grew up in the same area! pretty funny!!! well i hope that proves im a fan!! the reason i would love demonoid is,apart from the obvious as its the best torrents! yes i do want to download bootlegs,and upload them,but also for documentaries that available there that tell the truths about our world politics and freedoms etc i want to resource info so i can write songs about freedom for us all,protest it you know!! well thats it for now,but remember: "if life is a radio, you gotta ten up to ten!!!" (recognise that one? :) i love that line! and try and live by it!!!!!
Cheers my fellow Kiss Army Comrade!!!

Anonymous said...

yo motley
i was gonna come here
n lie about liking kiss to get an invite cuz i want 1 real bad
buh after reading a few of thesse i think ill go beg sumwhere else
if youd still consider me my email is
if not its ok but jus in my opinion:
da guy above is full of crap (no off man) but i fond all of the facts he said n more on wikipedia wich i was gon use 2 lye 2 u ROFL:
Eric Carr (July 12, 1950 - November 24, 1991), born Paul Charles Caravello, was an American musician, best known as drummer for the rock band Kiss.
buh he said he tried 2 summon da guy from the dead or something so i bet he wantss an invit bad
as for melissa i tink she iz like a big nerd buh i dont think shed get u banned from demonoid or ne1 could provid a betta ratio
an for the other guy, email me man and well both try to get sum invites 2 getha
n e waze im out, hit me up if you want buh i dont think im gettin considerd

Anonymous said...

What's so bad about being a nerd?

Motley said...

Nothing bad about being a nerd and if you fellas saw melissa's pic I don't think you would say that anymore. I think tomorrow i will hand out either one or two invites. One probably to melissa and one (if i can generate more than 1 invite) to the guy who originally got me going on the Kiss thing. Sorry if I haven't replied to everyone but I just quit smoking and I feel like crap--Motley

Anonymous said...

wow, i cant believe some people come here,admit they were going to lie,and then accuse others to be telling lies??? man what nerves (you cant find the personal kisstory facts i mentioned, on wikipeadia)he just wanted to cut/paste like a robot..LOL,he even calls mellisa a big nerd,and doesnt even know her??? wonder why peeps like that get left out in the first place!!!
anyways..... Cheers Motley for this oppurtunity,very nice of you to at least give it a creative tinge to it!! (hey by the way,good on you for quitting smoking man,i did too,and man its the best thing you can do in the long run! dont worry, after the initial withdrawal,you will feel a million dollars!!!hang in there!!!)
Peace! -

Anonymous said...

Evening Motley,

Haven't posted for a while - been recovering from Reading Festival last weekend - awesome! Saw the Smashing Pumpkins & NIN. (Although nothing beats Metallica & System at the 2003 festival!)

Good luck staying off the fags, I quit about two years ago now (It is possible!)

As for Kiss - I'm not going to post a load of publicly available trivia to prove I'm a fan - I just love the music (& I'd also love the chance to get hold of Kissology!)

As far as filesharing is concerned - I always seed as long as I possibly can & I'm always on the lookout for new & interesting things to share so I hope you'll consider me.


I also had a chance to perfect my ascii art for ya!


Ok maybe it's not quite perfect but you can see what I was going for if you squint a bit!


Anonymous said...

Looks like I won!

Cheers for the invite code Motley!

Kissology here I come!


Motley said...

No prob Steve! You were definately the biggest KISS fan. were you the one that also got me started on the KISS fan thing? I think i'm giving away one more invite.

Anonymous said...

Hi Motley, I dont know if you noticed,but i was the one who suggested the kiss thing ( but thats cool i understand if you dont remember! also i know people came on here trying to lie about the kiss thing,and accuse me of lying,but i was earnest in what i said! i think i displayed natural genuine knowledge (not net knowledge etc)and with all due respect to steve (geezer) i mean c'mon really,how can someone accuse others of lying stating thay get things from the net,then submit ascii art,that could easily be cut pasted without effort (sorry but ive seen the kiss logo many places on the net!! but hey its all good,and im definately not wanting to sound like im begging,so i guess it over n out for me!
anyway... thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hey Motley!!!thanks for not forgetting about little old me! :)

WOW!!!! Thankyou,


Hey I really appreciatte it,and i wont let you down! You are a legend!!!!

p.s. stay off the smokes!!! you will not regret it!

peace n love-

Anonymous said...

Hey Motley,

Sorry for the the slight delay in responding. School has started up again, new students are coming into the program, classes are beginning and things are generally just hectic. I noticed that there is a lot of stuff in the postings about KISS. I can't say that I know much about them to be honest, nor have I really ever listened to them or whether I'd like their kind of music. You do however, sound like a pretty hardcore fan.

So I guess you want me to explain why I want access to demonoid? Well, it's pretty simple - it'll save me money. I don't have a TV since I don't want to have to pay for cable and whatever other costs. I use my pc to watch movies or downloaded TV programs from the net. I'm a grad student so money is a bit tight and I'd rather save money instead of paying for rented movies, video games downloads and access to tv shows. Plus whatever money I end up saving can be spend on the occasional night drinking and having a good time ;) - which is a smarter way to spend it in my opinion :P

Of course, there are other torrent sites out there that I can use - which is the obvious question right? Why not get them elsewhere other than demonoid? Well, I suppose I could and I have been. However, I like the idea of belonging to a closer knit community where leeching is discouraged. I've been using for the past month and half (another privately run community but with open access) and I like it a lot. I've been able to rack up a lot of credits to use for downloading (35 upload gigs of credits in the last week!) by leaving on my pc a lot of the time (ex: overnight) so that it can constantly upload. Given that the tvtorrents community encourages uploading so strongly, uploads are so easily accessible and quick to download and I imagine it would be the same for demonoid. Plus, rather than uploading to random people who tend to leech, I'd feel better about knowing that the demonoid tends to be pretty selective with the kinds of people they let it. I hope that there's the chance that they ban people who d/l gigs of files without ever giving back in return. I'd imagine that, overall, it would tend to make the accessing files part of it way more efficient.

Also, the members are really active in discussing the torrent files themselves. Many times, I've checked their forums to see comments related to a particular torrent that I'm trying to download from another site to tell whether it's decent or not. Other places like torrentbox or torrentspy have very little people making comments for quality assurance type purposes or general info. This would be something great to access and contribute to.

I don't have a problem uploading stuff that I download. I recently changed ISPs because the last one started to 'throttle' uploads for file sharing which really messed up my ratios ("Rogers" is the ISP I'm talking about in Canada, btw). Anyhow, the new ISP ("teksavvy") is great and I am able to upload at much higher speeds and without restrictions or interruptions unlike the last one. My connection works again as it should and I can once again upload to help contribute to the community. I hope that answers your question sufficiently. Let me know if you have any more questions. I would be great to get an invite and I have no problem and I am willing to share one with you one I get to the appropriate level to do so as a demonoid member. You seem pretty selective yourself which is good for anyone who receives an invite from you, so I'd have not qualms returning the favor.



Motley said...

happy Birthday Mosesaul your code is in the mail!!!!!