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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Who Wants A Demonoid Invite?

That's right!! On with a new contest!! Let's see I'm running out of new ideas. Who's got money? Just kidding!! If you are a demonoid fanatic like myself you know that selling invites will get you banned from the best torrent tracker!! So what can we do? Hmm.... how about something off the top of my oblong shaped thinker... Howz about just something off the wall? What will you do to get into demonoid? How far will you go? You gotta show me how bad you want to be a member. I have had people write "Demonoid Invite Please" on their booty's. That was pretty out there. But can you top it? Get creative, daring, possibly psychotic or borderline wacko. Please, lets not have people getting hurt now, or at least not hospitalized. Just come up with something showing how dedicated of a member you will be to our Demonoid community. We will need some kind of proof, evidence if you will, of what you did. Whether it's pictures, videos, signed affidavits, live media coverager or something to that nature. Oh and also, if you are claimed the winner of this contests Demonoid Invitation you will also have to do one more simple task before receiving the grand salami prize. You will have to got to and register for the online game "lost". Which most of us already are. Lost, that is!!!! Check it out! The game is kinda lagging now but when it first kicked off it was exciting. It's kinda "lost" it's kick and some of us members are trying to kickstart it back to life. Though the administrators have somewhat "lost" their interest in keeping it on the up and up. Enough B.S.!!!! Let the games begin!!!!===Motley!!!


wutangbitches said...

DUDE...ive been waiting for a demonoid invite for ages bro bro..!!! if you could hook me up with one I would DEFINETILY smoke a blunt and blow it in my managers face.. cmon man i am one of the biggest movie buffs out there dude . i could hook you up with one of my personal hip hop beats that i produce myself free of charge!! Let Me Know BROTHA! stay up peace

Motley said...

Dude fo sho!! Take a pic of the fatty smoke rollin in yo manager's face and send it I'll post on one of my site's!! Now it's gotta be real. Not one of your bud's eating a pizza pie wearing the Domino's cap. I'm talking old man with cane or wheelchair gagging down the number half way to heart failure and I'll hook u up if it's decent. hey send a doob via Brown (UPS, not hole)and it will be on, like Long Duck Dong. The game has begun, and wutangbitches is already #1.(So far). If you send a good pic I'll post on one of my sites and put the link here on my blog. Late! --Motley!!!!

wutangbitches said...


Lauri said...

Oh man!
I have been looking for those invites for life time!
I really want one!
If you could help me out whit this, i promise to tell people about demonoid
here, in Finland!
Every band i have been looking for is in demonoid but now where else.
Please, make one Finnish boy so clad that i will burn my wires
seeding all out!
Plus i can add some awesome finnish punkrock/hardcore bands for some new music for you!
What do you want me to do??

Anonymous said...

I am a percussionist and run a blog on movies & docs , and always when searching for high quality stuff I run into Demonoid results and go crazy to find it elsewhere, of course there is no elsewhere. An invite will be very appreciated and you will be seeing reviews released on my blog.
Here is the link to the site

Anonymous said...

DUDE....i fucked around and blew smoke in my assistant managers face and got written up for real homeboy.!! shit is WEAK.!!! but fuck it man ,didnt get a pics tho i was too nervous .but let me know what the deal is son ...PEACE

(wutangbitches)..i forgot my password for my account..hahahha

ardentbuffyfan said...

alright so if i drew demoniod invite please somewhere on me in public whould i get it? gotta say mate it sounds rather fun! who do email the photo to?